Low-Power Server-Type Build

17 Aug 2010
Hello all,

Firstly, I posted this in General Hardware but I’ve just realised it may of been the wrong section.

I'm thinking of building a server-type system that will be running debian 6, The server will be running 24/7 so low power and good efficiency is a must also need it to be pretty silent.

Although I could use something like freeNAS, I feel using debian gives me more capability of doing a lot more tasks if I ever need to. As it has a lot of software packages. Also I’ve only used debian and even then, I'm no expert by any means.

The server will be doing the following:

File server for all computers in my house.
Sharing media to all Xbox 360's in my house, So family members can watch stuff via xbox360-tv.
usenet downloader running SABnzbd. (Must be capable converting .mkv to other formats)
Teamspeak 3 Server.
Maybe a few other things.

I have a couple of options,

Option 1: I have the following pc parts lying around doing nothing, so I could use these and just buy a sata pci card. But I’m not sure it will be capable for my needs also not sure if it uses too much power, and it isn’t really silent.

CPU: Intel Pentium 4, 2.40GHz (Socket 478)
Motherboard: Soltek SL-85ERV2
Ram: 1x 512mb , 1x 256mb

Option 2: Buy all new parts cheap as possible (Would consider MM if good condition) would need raid support, although if I’m correct debian supports software raid?

CPU: ?? (Been looking at the Intel Atom Dual-Cores)
Motherboard: ?? (Been looking at the Intel Atom Dual-Cores)
Ram: Corsair Dominator 4GB DDR3 1600MHz (Hopefully)
Hard Drives: 2x Western Digital Caviar Black 500gb(Already have) Will be adding more at a later date for more storage space.
Case: Antec 300 , Fractal Design R3 or small HTPC case
PSU: ?? (I've seen a Seasonic 430w going cheap on MM)

Although if I do go option 2, I have some spare Corsair Dominator 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1600MHz lying around I might be able to use?

I also have an antec 300 that’s not being used and a Fractal Design R3 that I might be able to use also. But I’m also considering a small HTPC case like the Silverstone LC17(Will have to buy)

What option do you think will be best for my needs, Also if its Option 2 do you have any recommendations regarding parts?

I've seen the HP Microserver cashback deal, But I’m not sure about that one maybe buying parts separate(Could be from MM) would be the better option.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Thanks for the replies,

It does seem it would be the cheaper option to go with the HP ProLiant MicroServer Athlon II Neo N36L 1.3GHz.

A few questions if I did go for the HP Proliant Microserver,

1. Would I be able to upgrade the stock 1GB ram and use the Corsair stuff I mentioned that I have lying around? As it would be nice to have 4GB.
2. DIABLO you mentioned it falls down in the video conversion I mentioned. What do you mean by this, It would take forever to convert an .mkv to .mp4 or it just wouldn’t be able to do it full stop?
3. Do you have to be a business to claim this cash back?
4. Do you think this microserver would be capable extracting large files? (1gb-15gb?)

Also could you trust me the detials how it works out £120 (£220)

Many thanks,
Many thanks DJMK4 and DIABLO for all your help.

I think I will go ahead and get the HP ProLiant MicroServer as its an excellent price at the moment with £100 off! I will try add my existing 4gb ddr3 ram, If it doesn’t work I’ll try sell it and get some compatible 4gb set.

Many thanks once again.
If you want more bench marking info there is a big microserver thread in this forum. Someone has bound to have done some nice benchmarks to compare against.

For me it's exceeded expectations. If you want tomorrow I could encode a 1.2gb movie to DVD (4.5gb DVD) and see how long it takes to give you some comparison of processing power? I only have 1gb of ram at the mo but its the processor it will be benching. Someone in the other thread might already know this answer though

If you could encode that 1.2gb movie to dvd or even convert .mkv to .mp4 and post how long it took etc that would be excellent!

Anyway it's been ordered and will be with me tomorrow :D So I guess I’ll be busy tomorrow :p

Many thanks once again for your help.
Thanks guys for recommending this to me, It arrived 9am on Wednesday.

Installed debian on it, now it’s streaming media to entire house including the Xbox 360's. File server for the house and now also my usenet downloader and where my team speak server runs from :)

For the price it is at the moment its stupid not getting it, it’s excellent!

When it arrived first thing I tried was to install that 4gb ddr3 corsair stuff I had lying around, But it did not fit it was too tall and wouldn’t clear the hdd cage even if I tried to get the sinks off the ram it still wouldn’t of fitted. But for what I’m using it for at the moment I think the 1GB will be fine for now.

Installed debian on the supplied 250gb(Although I should have installed it on an 8gb usb stick and used that for extra data space) Also got my 2 500gb WD Caviar Blacks in there running raid 1 with all my data.

I have a little question regarding the cash back, on the form what did you guys put under "Company name" did you leave this blank or just write "N/A" ?

Many thanks once again guys for all your help!
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