Low wattage through wall when gaming? 2600k and 290 crossfire

26 Oct 2013
I have an extension cord running from a wall socket. My psu is connected in this extension cable through an energy monitor. When running the Witcher 3, even with +50 power usage in MSI AB, the wattage rarely if ever went over 500 watts, mainly in the 460 to 490 range.

I was just wondering if this was expected behavior really. The only reason I ask is I'm getting around 60-70fps in crossfire. I know crossfire isn't the best in Witcher 3, but gpu and cpu usage seem quite low in game.
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It's around the same that reviews show 290 crossfire to draw. I take it the gpu's are running at stock and not overclocked? Once you start overclocking them the power draw will rise considerably. Try running Asus Realbench, Heaven or Firstrike and see what the draw is.
They are not overclocked. In heaven the draw went between around 490 to 580. This is total system draw mind you, with each of the cards having their stock fans, and a h55 on each.
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