Lowering noise levels on P180

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
to get good air flow in my P180 I have the rear fan on full, the thing is tho the noise is really bugging me, it sounds like it's the air being pushed throw the vent more than the motor, do you think it's worth cutting the vent out as i'm sure it will cut the noise levels down dramaticly, it's only a 2min job.

does anyone else notice that the air flow in these case's really ain't that good, if I take the top filter out the front of the case it takes nearly 10 degrees off my cpu, i'm temped to leave the filter out really.
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What heatsink and fan do you have? I have the stock fans on low, so it's almost silent, and my CPU idles at ~36C and tops out at less than 50C when under strain. Don't have excessive wires in the way of the air flow or something do you?
lowrider007 said:
do you think it's worth cutting the vent out as i'm sure it will cut the noise levels down dramaticly, it's only a 2min job.

Yes go for it, it will reduce the noise, also think about some less noisey fans like ambers or if your existing fans are 3 pin then maybe volt mod them to 7volts (see sticky for how to)

lowrider007 said:
does anyone else notice that the air flow in these case's really ain't that good, if I take the top filter out the front of the case it takes nearly 10 degrees off my cpu, i'm temped to leave the filter out really.

The filter maywell be too thick reducing the amount of air, one thing thats always mentioned, however i've never been ghetto enough to try it out is to use tights over the fans for filters - supposed to be very good! maybe have a go at that
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