We’re soon to be moving to a rural property, I’m estimating a 70s build, it has Calor Gas supplied from an outside tank. The boiler is around 15 years old, possibly a bit older, the hot water is supplied by a large tank on a timer.
As we might soon need to replace the boiler, what are the best options.
I’ve read LPG is more expensive than Oil, I’m assuming it’s not cost effective to switch to oil.
Would switching to a combi boiler be relatively easy, we hate the thought of running out of hot water, it’s a 5 bed house three adults two children we all like to shower in the morning and at least two baths in the evening.
There are 10 solar panels on the roof, no battery, FIT payments are made but minimal from what I understand. I believe the hot water can be boosted on electric.
Options and thoughts please.
As we might soon need to replace the boiler, what are the best options.
I’ve read LPG is more expensive than Oil, I’m assuming it’s not cost effective to switch to oil.
Would switching to a combi boiler be relatively easy, we hate the thought of running out of hot water, it’s a 5 bed house three adults two children we all like to shower in the morning and at least two baths in the evening.
There are 10 solar panels on the roof, no battery, FIT payments are made but minimal from what I understand. I believe the hot water can be boosted on electric.
Options and thoughts please.