LPX 3600 won't run at 3600

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Hi all,

Just built my new system - Ryzen 5600x, 3070FE, Asus B550-E and 4x 8Gb sticks of Corsair LPX 3600.

Everything is fine but obviously as standard the memory runs at PC3200.

I cannot get it to run stable at 3600. If I set DOCP, the machine doesn't POST. If I set memory speed manually to 3600, it does post but with the most ridiculously high timings (ie, CAS 24). If I set memory speed manually to 3600, voltage manually to 1.35 and CAS to 18 as per ratings it runs but crashes before the end of 3dmark.

If I leave it alone at 3200 everything is fine.

What gives? Isn't this memory supposed to run at 3600 CAS 18?
I'll give that a try.

Disappointing that Corsair market this as a 4x8gb PC3600 kit if it's so difficult to get it running as such :(
I specifically read an article that said having 4 ranks was 10-15% better than 2 in many respects - and most sticks are now single rank so the only way to guarantee quad rank is to buy 4 sticks?
I flashed the bios with the latest beta bios.

This time, setting to docp made timing changes too and this time the machine posts at the correct settings - in theory, everything working as it should.

I'll wait for some stability testing to conclude but it's a good start..
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