Hi guys
Upgrading our old LTO2 SCSI drive for a new LTO4 SAS setup. I've decided on a Quantum TC-L42AN-EY but am having trouble sourcing a compatible sas controller.
It'll be installed in a Proliant ML370 G4... I was tempted by a E200 but it's not on the compatibility list ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/c-products/ser...ontrollers/SA_Compatibility_Marketing_OTT.pdf
Infact, the only supported controller is around £500, which seems overkill for what will essentially be a single port tape drive card.
It needs to be pci-express 4x, any suggestions? How important are the compatibilty lists? I would imagine as long as it's pci-express 4x it'd work in which case i'd look at something like the Adaptec 1405 for £90. (Again not on the compat list: http://www.adaptec.com/NR/rdonlyres/17C40CCA-64FF-450E-AEF4-B315FBD709C0/0/CompatibilityReport_1405_1045_040709.pdf )
Upgrading our old LTO2 SCSI drive for a new LTO4 SAS setup. I've decided on a Quantum TC-L42AN-EY but am having trouble sourcing a compatible sas controller.
It'll be installed in a Proliant ML370 G4... I was tempted by a E200 but it's not on the compatibility list ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/c-products/ser...ontrollers/SA_Compatibility_Marketing_OTT.pdf
Infact, the only supported controller is around £500, which seems overkill for what will essentially be a single port tape drive card.
It needs to be pci-express 4x, any suggestions? How important are the compatibilty lists? I would imagine as long as it's pci-express 4x it'd work in which case i'd look at something like the Adaptec 1405 for £90. (Again not on the compat list: http://www.adaptec.com/NR/rdonlyres/17C40CCA-64FF-450E-AEF4-B315FBD709C0/0/CompatibilityReport_1405_1045_040709.pdf )