Lump in rear tyre

24 Oct 2002
Manchester City Centre
Grr, riding home my rear wheel started vibrating. When I got home (not far) I looked and I've got a big old lump on my rear tyre! Must have hit a pothole or something I guess?

Rang my Honda garage and a new rear tyre is 75quid fitted, only problem is they can't do it until Saturday morning and I use it everyday. Obviously I can't with this so does anyone know any chains that do bike tyres etc? Or anywhere in Rochdale?

Bike is CBF125 with a contigo so probably harder to find I guess?

Any motorcycle dealer will be able to do this, they're probably still have to order it in though as they won't stock a tyre like that I imagine as 125s have smaller tyres.

Head round your local dealers first, they all should cost roughly the same and could be able to get it in sooner on a Next Day order or something.
Managed to get it booked in to an indy on Friday morning at 9am so a bit better. Friday evening traffic in a car is not fun :p

£77 fitted for a ContiGo! in 100/90 - 17. I imagine they're a bit longer to change than car tyres.

It's only about 1/2 a mile away so I'll nurse it down there.
So having a nightmare with this. Limped the bike down to the garage, about 1/2mile away, and the gimp hasn't been able to order me a tyre as there's no stock at any supplier. Didn't ring me as he didn't write down my number :rolleyes:

So ordered one myself which is coming from Germany via tyreleader and will get someone to fit. So current stuck in the car cursing traffic :(
that's what I always do,order my own tyre,chances are you get em cheaper,then take it to them to fit

part worn ones aint bad either,you can sometimes pickup a bargain
It's generaly a lot easier/faster to remove the wheel from a car than the rear wheel from a bike.

Unless you are Uber cool & have a single sided swinging arm. :p

I am such a ****** some times. :D

You may want to let a little air out of the tyre to allow a bit more give on your ride over to get it fixed, Not to much just a little to take the pressure off a bit, Ride slow as well or we'll come round & beat on you. :p
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