Lunatics Apps for SETI

I saw that, looks like the high cpu usage you get with the beta Folding Wu's is rearing its ugly head with the new v7 compatible optimised apps.
Ahhhh, sorry....

I've got two busted discs in my neck / spine from a car accident I had 15 years ago. They're now effecting the nerves on my arms, so the neurosurgeon is going in through the back of my neck and open everything out to give a bit more space in there. If it doesn't work then it's a major operation going in through the front of my neck to remove the discs and put in two bone grafts and clamp the three vertebrae together.

The first op will cause me two to four weeks off work whereas the second operation would cause me six months off work.

If I have to have the second op I will have to cut down on my electric usage due to lack of funds.

Fingers crossed the first one works ;)
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Yeah, knew that was out - but the full lunatics installer (virtually automated for ease of use) especially for us simpletons :D
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