Lynda or nettutts+

19 Jul 2006
Just looking for some recommendations, I find i get on with nettuts tutorials very well but been looking at some of the free vids at lynda which look good to.

which would you guys recommend if you only paid for one?
The only thing to be careful of with these subscriptions is that you tend to run out of useful ones quite quickly. I had a subscription to tutsplus for a few months but only to go through their more advanced tutorials on certain topics. I cancelled it when I wasn't finding anything relevant to what I was doing anymore.

I find one of the best places is still stack overflow. The answers are usually very good and quite a few people post links to relevant background reading on the topic. Look for questions on the subject you are learning and you will find top programmers giving their thoughts along with related material.
Yeah so just do the monthly subs as to be honest all I'm after is a dummies guide to converting a html/css to a wordpress theme and getting hot with that. I have a book but it tends to dive in a bit to fast.
lynda from what i can see has some good vids on this but I think that would be about all I would use as most other stuff you can find free on the net.

Only used stack overflow once but got answered straight away and they sounded like they knew what they was on about ;)
I have been using Lynda for around a year now and quite like it although the Authors usually talk so slow I have to speed up the video to x1.5 speed, just so I don't fall asleep.
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