Lynden David Hall dies!

My mate Tim has had the same cancer for the last five years and, amongst other treatments, has had his entire bone marrow replaced. He still drives to work, then to the hospital in his lunch hour for radiotherapy, then back to work again. Any time I think I have things bad, it's thinking of that that makes me pull my socks up.

It's a terrible disease and another mate sent me that link earlier because we're fairly clued up on it by now. It doesn't say whether Hall accepted treatment or not but to die two years after diagnosis makes me thankful for the time I've already had with my mate.

Belmit said:
It doesn't say whether Hall accepted treatment or not but to die two years after diagnosis makes me thankful for the time I've already had with my mate.


Belmit, i found this online.

'In January this year (2005) Lynden attended Hammersmith hospital for a Stem Cell transplant. The operation has resulted in him being hospitalised ever since. For nine months he has been in intensive care fighting for his life. His spirit has never been broken though and despite all his problems he has asked if we can help him raise money for fellow sufferers.'

Seems he did get treatment but to no avail. :(
Its always ashame when people die of such a horrible disease, especially when it is someone so young and talented like him. Sexy Cinderella was a great song. RIP.
fozzybear said:
The operation has resulted in him being hospitalised ever since. For nine months he has been in intensive care fighting for his life.
Ouch, I am undergoing chemotherapy at the moment and I bitch at having to be in hospital for five days every three weeks.. makes me feel small :(
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