M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water *Spoilers*

12 Nov 2004
Just got back from watching this, I personally didn’t think it’s as good as his previous films but its watchable. Everything seemed a bit rushed and why did Cleveland believe everything is girl was saying, it seemed a bit out of the ordinary. It also ended a bit abrupt.

Like all of his films it had you a bit on edge and had his usual jumpy moments (like when you zoom into the beast and the sprinklers come on…….. made me jump anyway)
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chrisd said:
I haven't watched it yet but if it's as bad as The Village and Signs, i'm probably not missing much.

I liked the Village... there is something about his films which I really like. The silence during most of the films really adds to the tension.
I suppose you really like his films or really hate them.
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