M1330 Windows 7 anyone?

12 Dec 2006
Anyone with a M1330 running windows 7. Can't get the fingerprint reader to work, the Vista drivers don't work. Haven't tried the web cam. Don't really use either, but its nice to have everything working.
Anyone with a M1330 running windows 7. Can't get the fingerprint reader to work, the Vista drivers don't work. Haven't tried the web cam. Don't really use either, but its nice to have everything working.

you need to find out who made the fingerprint reader and hope that they have Windows7 preview drivers available.

if your reader is made by Upek, then you're in luck. i don't know about others, i'm afraid.

a quick look at the dell driver site suggests that it is indeed a Upek module.

and so, these ought to work:

:D remember to choose the right ones, x86 for 32-bit and x64 for 64-bit!
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