mac book pro would more ram help

22 Sep 2003
hi guys got a mac book pro the older 2.4 intel core 2 duo with 2gb of ram im running parallels with windows xp for sage accounting but it seems slow would up gradeing to 4gb help or should i just get a windows laptop?
you checked how many page outs you are getting in activity monitor?

should give you an incline if you need more RAM
Well i updated mine when i started to use it as my main machine for work. Upgraded from 2gb to 4gb and made a big difference.;)
hi guys got a mac book pro the older 2.4 intel core 2 duo with 2gb of ram im running parallels with windows xp for sage accounting but it seems slow would up gradeing to 4gb help or should i just get a windows laptop?

Get a Windows laptop and shoot yourself in the foot. Don't think so.

4GB does make a difference especially for emulation. If not run it in bootcamp, will run natively, so should increase the speed. Bit more of a faff, but you will see a performance increase over emulation.
I found 4GB cheap enough to just give it ago. I notice a bit of improvement with heavy apps but nothing massive as I just do not use it heavily enough. Worth a punt really and worse case you sell it again with little loss.
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