Mac Box Set

18 Oct 2002
Lo all,

I've just seen the new Mac Box Set on the Apple Store and I was wondering whether people were expecting Apple to include Snow Leopard in this bundle when it's finally released.

If they do I could upgrade the whole office (10 people) from Tiger/iWorks '08/iLife '08 to Snow Leopard/iWorks '09/iLife '09 for £400 then claim the VAT back.

Seems like a bit of a deal.

You never know mate, it could happen.

Was quite a surprising deal when it was first announced so time shall tell. I would just think it's about getting people still stuck on Tiger, Panther etc to upgrade so they can take benefits of the recent underhood changes in the OS.
They will introduce the new iMac around the same time as this ships (I say), so I wouldn't expect Snow Leopard to be in this bundle for a while.
Also, bear in mind the family pack for iLife is aimed at households, rather than workplaces, so I'd imagine if they did a Family Pack for the Mac Box Set, it'd be similar.

Apple said:
The Family Pack Software License Agreement allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple software on up to a maximum of five (5) Apple-labeled computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household and used by persons who occupy that household. By "household" we mean a person or persons who share the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home, or condominium, including students who are primary residents of that household but reside at a separate on-campus location. This license does not extend to business or commercial users.
Cheers for the legal bit AdWrite - didn't realise that at all!

Ah well looks like it's the expensive route if we go down any at all now...

There's nothing stopping you installing the regular (Single user) pack, aside from the licensing aspect is there?

By that I mean there's never a serial number so how would they know if you installed it on the whole household anyway? It's something I've never got.
There's nothing stopping you installing the regular (Single user) pack, aside from the licensing aspect is there?

By that I mean there's never a serial number so how would they know if you installed it on the whole household anyway? It's something I've never got.

Nope, no serials or CD-keys or activation on any of iLife / OSX / iWork. It's just against the terms of the licence to install on more than one mac.

I think the 'professional' apps (Final Cut Pro etc) may have activation.
Yeah there was a serial for our copies of iWorks '08. Whether or not Apple actually check them is another matter.

I suppose in theory we could just buy a single copy and install it across the office but I'm not sure my boss would be too happy about the legal side of it...

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