Mac DDR3 RAM at OcUK?

28 Feb 2008
I'm thinking of buying either a new MacBook Pro or an iMac to replace my current MBP, and I was wondering if OcUK are still selling RAM for Macs? There used to be a section under 'Memory' called 'Mac Memory' or 'Apple Memory' or something, which is where I got the 2x 2Gb DDR2 800 sticks to upgrade this machine with. Do they now sell the DDR3 1066 memory used in the MB/MBP/iMacs?

Or am I being dense and missed it?
maybe thats because you dont need to buy specific mac ram....

Whilst I appreciate there isn't an 'Apple RAM' type, I would prefer some consistency regarding the selling of RAM to work with Apple's laptops from OcUK. I'm not buying any old RAM to fit in here unless I know it works.
You could say that about any motherboard/chipset that is particular about RAM. Apple isn't a special case.

True enough technically, but then Apple is infamously stubborn with their software/hardware, so I wouldn't be all that surprised if it only worked with specific RAM or something daft like that!
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