Mac for iPhone dev

Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
So guys i need a cheap second hand intel mac for iPhone development as its looking less and less likely that a VM is going to cut it full time :(

Doesn't matter if its a laptop or desktop but whats the cheapest one i can pick up second hand? Being able to upgrade the memory (if not already high) is always a boon... HDD isn't too much of a problem as i'll be useing my NAS :)

so which ones should i be looking at?

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Mac Mini or a Macbook would be the cheapest to pick up, depending on the model you should be able to stick between 2-4GBs of RAM in them.
is it only the latest revision of the mini that will run 10.5.5? am i right in thinking that only came out in the last couple of months...
is it only the latest revision of the mini that will run 10.5.5? am i right in thinking that only came out in the last couple of months...

All the mac-minis will run all versions of Leopard. But best to get one made in the last few years that has Intel based architecture tbh.

All the mac-minis will run all versions of Leopard. But best to get one made in the last few years that has Intel based architecture tbh.


the iPhone SDK needs the Intel architecture to run unfortunately as theres no cross compiler (yet)

which version of the macbook started using the intel chipset btw?
I think that is was the core duo model from 2006 maybe. Dont quote me on that though.
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