Mac going back?

28 Jan 2011
Well…I’m not sure what it is, but I think it’s isolated to the Wi-Fi.

the past few days, my watch would sometimes not unlock my Mac, saying something along the lines of "the Wi-Fi signal being too weak to open"? :(

and now tonight, Wi-Fi dropped and keeps dropping out.

I tried my phone, iPad, checked the internet router etc.. all ok.

so I’m likely sending it back, I will get a full refund regardless, and I don’t NEED the MacBook, I do love it in general though!
Well just to make Zeebedy feel a little better my MacBook Pro drops the WiFi at least once a week for no good reason and it doesn't matter which of my 2 networks I'm connected to.
The …weak wifi for watch unlocking… thing is not an isolated issue. I regularly get that message when I go to unlock my MacBook in the morning or when I’ve just returned home from somewhere. I’ve also read of plenty of others having this problem. As for the wifi just plain old dropping out, that does seem like a fault.
All that said, ultimately, you missed a trick in not titling your thread ‘Return of the Mac’.
Just saying ;)
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