Mac Mail saving tons of drafts on Gmail whenever I compose an email

18 Dec 2003
Hi All,

I have been using Sparrow for Mac for a while now but since it got bought out by Google I have decided to return to Mac Mail.

I seem to have got the majority of the Mail settings working correctly (something I never managed on Lion so seems they have improved it on Mountain Lion) however I run into a pretty big issue.

When I got to my deleted items it seems that there are tons of drafts of any email I have composed, and these are majorly clogging up my trash/bin folder.

Is there any way to stop this behavior?

Yes I set the Gmail drafts folder to act as the Drafts mailbox in Mac Mail.

Keeping local drafts and then manually copying them over to the Gmail drafts seems a lot of effort...

Really find it hard to believe that the Mail client can't function properly with Google... I know Apple want to push iCloud but I'm not willing to get locked in to their services...

It's a real shame as I love my Mac and couldn't imagine going back to Windows now but the fact that Mail, Contacts and Calendars all don't quite function correctly is a real negative of the whole experience for me.
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