Well, a couple of days ago I decided to plump for a year of .Mac. Mainly for the iDisk and Web Gallery but I figured since i'm paying for it I might as well use the email too.
Anyway, I already have a long established Apple ID through a different email address and it would be nice if I didn't have two Apple ID's floating about (since an address is automatically created an Apple ID). I'd like to merge them (and a quick Google suggests this has been accomplished in the past) but i've got a response to an email saying that can't be done.
Has anyone else tried this and actually had success?
Anyway, I already have a long established Apple ID through a different email address and it would be nice if I didn't have two Apple ID's floating about (since an address is automatically created an Apple ID). I'd like to merge them (and a quick Google suggests this has been accomplished in the past) but i've got a response to an email saying that can't be done.
Has anyone else tried this and actually had success?