MAC Mini - 1920*1200 - does it struggle?

12 Jun 2005
Hi there,

I was wondering whether people found the MAC Mini's that have a GMA950 or a X3100 graphics chip in them struggle at the resolution of 1920*1200?

I would have thought with all the animations and fancy things that MAC does that an old graphics chip like that would struggle and make it look laggy when opening/maximizing/minimizing window.

What are your thoughts?

Mine was perfectly fine played 1080p movies and everything. (GMA950)

That was with a 2.33GHz C2D though, was perfectly fine at 1680x1050 with the old 1.6 dual core that it came with as standard. Probably would have handled 1920x1200 but didnt test it.

So my thoughts are..... load of **** dont worry about it.
Isn't this the benefit of Apple controlling the hardware?

They wouldn't let you select 1920x1200 if it couldn't even run the desktop environment at that resolution.
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