Mac Mini and Panasonic TX26LMD70

18 Oct 2002
Sunny South Devon
Just bought a Mac Mini to go with my Panasonic TX26LMD70. Has anyone had any experiences (or joy) getting the Mini to output to 1366x768 or near using DisplayConfigX or SwitchResX via a DVI to HDMI Cable?

I have a MacBook and a Panasonic 32LDX70 which may have the same timings as your 26 ? It was frustrating as hell trying to get the two to work properly.. I had no luck whatsoever with any of the default settings/templates and had to make my own custom resolution in SwitchResX.. after doing so I got a full 1366 x 768 over VGA cable which filled the screen perfectly ! Hope this helps :)

Thanks for the info.

Just wondering where you got the detailed specs from? Or was it a trial and error thing?

Did you try via HDMI?

I've just been looking on the Panasonic website but there isn't a lot of info to go on.
Ii was a combination of info i found plus trial and error tbh.. and I used the VGA input as both HDMI were already used.
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