Mac mini ram upgrade - now no video signal?

8 Jun 2004
Sarrrf London
Hi guys,

I upgraded my 1.6 core duo mac mini to 2gb ram yesterday and had no particular problems. But I now have no video signal - nothing going to the monitor, it justs stays on standby.

Does anyone know what it could be? Does the mini do this if it has a problem (e.g. with the new ram)? The mac switches on fine, HDD and cd drive power up, but no picture.

I would really appreciate any help you can give me, I'm really worried! I'd rather not take it into the shop to get it fixed as I know they'll charge the earth.
Hi mate,

Thanks for the reply! Not yet, but I'm going to try that tomorrow. I didn't really want to take the case off again but it's got to be done!

No such noises; no startup single beep either though - just HDD, cpu fan and cd drive booting up.

Do you think it's likely the new ram is bad? Or more likely the gpu is fried?
Yeah the case is a right bugger to remove.

Could be the RAM, got a another device you can test it in? As for the GPU I'm not sure, did you ground yourself before working on the device? Should rule out ESD damage.
When you put the old RAM back in, boot and test the system BEFORE you put the case back on :)

Before you ask "is it safe to do that?" Yes it is, not only have I done it myself but plenty of other people do it with PCs etc. Just don't go throwing cups of water around when you do it.
Hi mate,

It's working! I re-seated the ram, and checked everything carefully, gave it a clean etc. It's racing along now, 4x as much memory as beofre :D

Thanks for your help :)
I had the same sort of problem with my sisters macbook. i've found that the macs that use laptop RAM tend to need more force seating it :) good thing you got it working :)
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