Mac OSX : Frustrating problem , Get Info

11 Aug 2004
Hi there, Im running tiger (still) and just found a very frustrating limitation.
Say if I want to find out the number of files in a folder, I would go to
Get Info, doesn't say it!! Its a little annoying, in Windows its easy.

Has this changed at all in Leopard , or is there anything I need to do to see the number of files in a folder.

I know that in icon view it says Number of Items in that folder, but I would like to know the total number of files, including ones in nested folders.
Mine looks like this (image taken from web)


Where is it supposed to say the number of items within the folder?
It says the items straight after the bytes in the size field.
Size: 1.03 GB on disk (1,096,969,463 bytes) for 3,320 items
I hadn't noticed this had been added in about 7 months of owning Leopard - was a pet peeve I had in Tiger :D

As a side note if you want to select multiple folders and get the info for them as a whole (as opposed to an info window for each) then pressing Option turns Get Info into Show Inspector :)
Right click, hold down Alt and click "Show inspector"

It's the same as the Get Info pane, but it will stay onscreen so you can click other folders without closing multiple "Get info" panes.
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