Mac Pro Raid Card?

A quick google check shows me that there are a lot of raid cards that are compatible, cant to link them i'm afraid though due to competitors

something like "HighPoint RocketRAID 2320 PCI Express SATA II RAID Host Controller" might be what your looking for though

As epswat states above, what does he/you mean?

If I bought this Highpoint card I wont be able to utilize raid with mac os on them?

  • Not compatible with internal SATA bays in Mac Pro
  • Data Mode Only - controller and RAID array not bootable into Mac OS X

thanks for the quick reply epswat; just two questions matey.

as a guy said above, the raid card is exclusive for SAS drives?

also, since raid 5 gives you the performance of raid 0 and the safety of raid 1 - will this work.

standard MP comes with 320gb hdd, so i leave this with osx installed etc. i then maybe buy 3x1TB :p and use Apple's Raid Utility to use those 3x1TB in Raid 5?

Thus giving me the ability to have performance/safety for my movies/music?

Or would it not be worth the hassle and stick to 2x1TB in raid 0

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