Mac Programme install issue.

13 Nov 2012
Hi, as you can see from my screen shot, I have a question mark on my dock, next to Safari. This is Vuze and for some reason stays as a question mark until I click it, which it then appears as normal to be used. Have I not installed it properly?

It's annoying because I set vids to open in Vuze but when I shut down it forgets I have Vuze and reverts settings to default.

Any help appreciated.

Why are you using Vuze? I know that it can be an all in one, but I'd much rather use TransmissionBT and VLC.

Sorry, it is VLC, dunno why I said Vuze.

it can't find the info file for the program... possible bad package making or
gateway protection is switched on causing the issue.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? running disk util to check file permissions or adding the icon manually yourself?

I have uninstalled and it made no difference. It's not the missing icon that is the problem, the programme just isn't there until I click the question mark and then VLC appears. I can't 'open in VLC' until I click the question mark. It's weird.
in system prefs, then under general try selecting allow apps downloaded from anywhere. Its what apple call gatekeeper and its a weird kind of protection.

Done that, makes no difference. Really annoying me now :)

EDIT: Fixed it :) just reinstalled it and removed the old icon from the dock, seems to be ok now. Cheers
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