Mac replacement parts & upgrades?

11 Oct 2007
I'm after the subframe of a powerbook g4 titanium. Spacificly the top section that supports the screen and the hinge system at the back. any ideas?

I only have 256mb of pc 133 in this unit. Could anyone tell me the most it supports (I think it is 1gb with 2x512mb modues but im not 100%) and also if it will take any pc133 ram I buy or do I need a specific type?

I also only have a 40gb hdd in the unit, can I install any normal IDE HDD of any size?

I'm new to macs and had this given to me to play around on but really can't use it in a mobile sence untill I fix the screen/hinge problem, so any help would be cool :)

thanks, TMS.
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