I purchased my current Mac sometime last year. It's a 24" C2D with 2gig RAM. The first 6 months or so it was lighting fast and I couldn't have been happier, but lately it's been annoying with lot of extra load times, Safari crashing at least 3 times a day. All I've been using it for is to play WoW and surf the web, checking emails etc. I've done NO downloading whatsoever so I don't expect it to have any nasty software on it. It just started running slower and slower, almost to the point where I never use it anymore due to frustration. Granted, I link surf like a maniac and sometimes have 3 things running simultaneously and demand more and more from the Mac, and then it just freezes up. This never happens with my Windows PC (in sig), no matter how much I throw at it, which can be heaps at times. Any ideas why? Any programs I can use to get into the inner-workings of the Mac and clean up a bit?