Mac Super drivers are rubbish

17 Oct 2006
Aviemore, Cairngorms, Scottish Highlands
As much as I love my Mac's the superdrives in them are rubbish.

Drying to burn lots of different disks on my new iMac & Macbook pro and keep getting errors. Tried using toast 8 & 9 and 2 diffrent kinds of DL Disks but still not liking it. :mad:
never had any problems here, maybe its your media, bit of a bold statement to say that the superdrives are rubbish isnt it

Well yes it a bold statement but the facts are in front of me 2 drives that are not working correctly. If its the media then they are poor as my windows drives where never this fussy and if its a problem with both drives then this also means that 2 failing is also very poor. What ever way you look at it the drives are far to fussy and in my mind that = rubbish ;)
never had a problem with memorex dvd's on my MBP. Sounds like it may be a dodgy batch of dvds and or dodgy drives. How old are your machines ?

My iMac is the new 24" 3.0Ghz and my Macbook pro is the 2.33GHz one. So far I've tried burning 2 different types of dual layer disks and its seems to be spitting normal CDR's out with errors too.
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