Macbook Air vs Macbook Pro

12 Mar 2009
Hey, I was thinking of getting either one of these at around Christmas time just after I've started uni. I've been weighing both up but need a hand deciding. It's a computer science course I'm studying so most likely I'll only be using it for Microsoft office and probably a bit of web development too, as well as the usual browsing and iTunes usage. So what do you chaps think is the better deal, and does anybody know if it's worth holding out that long, I was thinking there maybe new revisions of the Air or the MBP by then?

Cheers for any help :)
MBP anyday. i think the air is abit of an overpriced gimic
i doubt any major revisions will come out soon as they have recently changed their laptop line. you may aswell get it before 8th September as they are giving away an ipod with every mac purchase.
September is the time for iPod updates, that's why they run these promotions.. (to clear inventory).

Personally, I would go for a MBP over the Air. It is more equipped, and will perform significantly better for the money.
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