Macbook Hdd Failure?

4 Oct 2004
Hi guys, Ive just come to turn my macbook on, and it wont boot into the OS, all i get is a folder with a question mark in it. I have run the install CD and used disk utilility to try and repair the disk but it just comes up with 'repair failed' ( I could get the full error if it would help) Ive been a complete dumbass and havent backed anything up. I havent got many important things on there but i could do with the pictures of the kids and my budget spreadsheets off there if possible. If the disk is knackered, is there a way i could retrieve any non-damaged data? (bootable disk recovery perhaps??)
Any help would be much appreciated.


im going to buy another hard drive anyway. Does anyone know if the hdd needs to be 'mac specific'? i know its a 2.5" sata hard drive but could someone please confirm that any will fit?
Faulty, yes. Dead, no.

If you have access to another Mac you could hook it up via FireWire and put it in Target disk mode (turning the MacBook in to a HDD icon on the other machine), just long enough to get your data off it.

well i was thinking of popping into ocuk shop in a min to buy a new hard drive and then install leopard on that, then hook my faulty hdd up to my mac. What would i need to externally connect my faulty hard drive to my mac?........and how do i put my mac into Target disk mode?
ahh i see, i was under the impression i could connect the faulty hard drive to my macbook, after i have bought a new hard drive and installed leopard?
Wouldnt taking it to an apple store be expensive seen as i have no warranty left?
Thanks for your quick reply Concorde, i think this kind of thing only happens to you once until you realise how much important info you have on your computer and you must back it up!! Ahh well you live and learn i guess. :(
Im pretty sure i have it connected right, having followed the instructions in the manual, i can hear the disc spinning but no icon appears on my desktop when i connect it via USB. Im pretty sure the hd isnt completely knackered because ive booted a ubuntu live cd and i could see the folders from within that os. Although i was getting errors saying i did not have permissions to open the folder. Im just going to try to view the drive via drive utility and see what that brings.
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