MacBook Heat issue

30 Jan 2008
Hey guys, I'm not sure whether or not its just my own MacBook but just around the top left hand corner where I think the processor is, it gets extremely hot now yeah its going to get hot and I except that but this get really really hot now I just wanted to know from all you MacBook users whether or not this is normal for this to happen.

btw the MacBook in question is a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core two Duo 1GB RAM 120GB HDD and OS X Leopard 10.5.2

Thanks guys

Mine gets hot but i wouldn't think that it is a problem really. What are your CPU temps?

Download iStatPro if you dont have any other programs to show your temps.

I don't think the CPU is near there though, I think the airport car is near that corner and also the power cable plugs in there so maybe those two could be causing the heat.

That corner is defiantly hotter than the rest of the laptop but i don't think its a problem.
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Don't worry about it. If you think that's warm try feeling the underside of the same area! I leave mine encoding videos for days at a time and istat says the CPU is at 85C full load.

Never had a problem and my Macbook is 18months old and had the same use since the day I got it.
Thanks for everyone getting back to me, I do have that widget and all is fine, I just wasn't sure, just wanted to check.

anyway thanks guys.

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