Macbook internet issues

23 Feb 2004
I've got a year old macbook which is connecting to the internet via wireless. Recently it has been very slow using both Firefox and Safari, even BBC News takes ages to load. Nothing has changed with the internet connection, and our other laptop is running fine. I think the problem has been since I upgraded Safari, but Firefox is running just as slowly.

Does anyone know if the latest release of Safari is causing problems like this? Is there anything else that may be causing the slow down? I know very little about macs, so don't even know where to start looking.


Is it just slow going to a page when you click on a link or does it take ages to actually load the page. If there's a long delay after clicking or typing a URL but the page actually loads at normal speed once it appears then it could be a slow responding DNS thing.

Hello btw, it's been a while :)
Hey Feekles :). It is slow loading images as well as a delay after clicking/typing. I just tested it with youtube and only half the images loaded at first when they all load instantly on my pc.
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