Macbook Nvidia 9400M Performance?

Man of Honour
16 Jul 2009
Been considering changing my 2007 Macbook that I've been using for a few weeks now and the natural thing would seem to be a 13" Macbook Pro, although I've also taken a look at 13" Windows Laptops too as I quite like Windows 7 now that I've been using it.
My main query though is what difference does the Nvidia 9400M graphics chip make to the running and usage of a Macbook compared to my one with just the Intel GMA950 chip?
Cheers folks, I'm trying to justify the expense of a 13" Macbook Pro over just buying a 13" Windows PC.
None of the Windows laptops seem to even have anything as good as the 9400M just awful integrated Intel Graphics Chipsets like whats in my current macbook.
I've not found any performance issues yet but I would to have a bit more graphical oomph as I want to use it for light editing of digital photos and watching movies, that said the picure quality of video on the screen I have isn't great.
I am quite tempted by one of the 13.3" Dell laptops but its just not a Mac...
If you're trying to justify the MacBook to yourself, don't forget you can use Boot Camp to install Windows 7 natively.

I have Windows 7, and all of Apple's drivers that come on the Leopard disc work beautifully, even though they're meant for Vista. Absolutely flawless. :)

Yeah I've been using W7 on my current Macbook and its very nice even on this.
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