Macbook Playing Up AGAIN what to do?

9 Dec 2006

My Macbook has been playing up recently (last month or so) it has been crashing after sleep & sometimes on boot-up it just stays on the blue screen. i took it to the apple store, they found problem with the logic board,HDD & replaced them & reinstalled OSX and imported my data, but now after 2 weeks the blue screen has come back? it happens randomly. its only happened the once since i got it back, before it was repaired i took a video of it happening should i do the same again?

will they have a record of my last visit?

What should i do?
should i request a replacement?

hope you can help. :D
Go back in and kick up (polite) hell. Always the best way. It's under warranty and you're entitled to a working laptop.

If it's a new machine get it repaired once more and see if the issue persists. If it does i'de try pushing the replacement angle. Just tell them your livelihood relies on the machine working.
You may get lucky and they may replace it with a new model, however, they may also try another repair first.

I'd be livid if they offered a repair at this stage, so keep firm and push for a new laptop :)
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