Macbook power question

24 Jul 2004
Devon, UK
Does anybody leave their Macbook/MBP plugged in all the time?

Is it bad for the battery?

I try to let mine discharge but I just wondered if it makes any difference?
During the first year of use my MacBook (bought July '06) was pretty much left plugged in all the time. After about 2 years old and 200 cycles it started to (very noticeably) deteriorate until it got to the stage where it was holding somewhere in the region of 20-30mins charge. This was while just browsing the web on WiFi :eek:

In the end I bought a new battery. I use it on battery pretty regularly and its current state is:

As Fillado mentioned, you should try and use the battery often to ensure that the current battery capacity stays close to the original figure in order to prolong the battery's life.

Fully discharging the battery often is not recommended according to the Battery University. If you really want to know more specifics about batteries then the website offers lots of information about them :p
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