MacBook Pro 13" case

9 Jan 2006
I was looking for a case for my 13" macbook pro a couple of weeks ago, but then went on holiday. One of the cases I was looking at had like an inner sleeve which would protect it from the zip and also stop it accidentally slipping out of the case.

However, I can't seem to find it now on the Apple store, and have no idea who it was buy to look them up directly. Does anyone have any idea which case this was? :confused:

Also, any other recommendations for cases? I'd like a slim one I can slip into my bag, but was also half-tempted by one with handles which can be folded away just in case i didn't need my bag.
Thanks for the suggestions - unfortunately it was none of those! It's just disappeared from the site totally. It was like a neoprene zippered case with an elasticated lip on the inside you could slip over the laptop edges to stop it falling out when open and stop the zipper from scratching it. So I've given up and gone for the Contour sleeve instead:


I'll just be transporting it in my bag so will hopefully provide enough protection, and doesn't have a zip to cause problems!
Yeah think I might avoid doing that! It'll be transported in a JanSport backpack so the charger will go in the front compartment of that and the laptop in the case in the main compartment at the back, but will prob store the apple remote in the case as I can see myself losing it very quickly otherwise :-/
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