Macbook Pro 17" Looks very good.

11 Apr 2004
I've never really notived how good Macbook pros appear. They're very slim and very light for there relative size and have a battery life of 8 hours according to apple.

Can anyone tell me

1) Are they quiet?

2) Do they really have a battery life of 8 hours?

3) Can the 9600GT play the following at 1920x1200 ok?

-- World Of Warcraft
-- Call Of Duty 4
-- Quake 4

4) Can a Macbook Pro run logic with very low latency with it's onboard soundcard?
Thanks. I'm seiously tempted by one of these now. Was looking towards an alienware m15x I think a macbook pro mayb a better choice.

One more question : Is it true that windows bootstraped won't run very good on a macbook because the drivers for the mousepad aren't complete and windows can't control the fans in laptop properly causing overheating?
Is it easy to change the HD in a macbook pro and do you void the warranty if you do?

On the mac site they can only be brought with 320gb drives but ocuk has a new 500gb 7200rpm drive that i'd probably swap for. And does it come with a clean install mac os disc?
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