macbook pro and mybook + more questions

17 Oct 2006
Aviemore, Cairngorms, Scottish Highlands
I have a macbook pro and want to know if I can boot it with Vista, XP home and leopard and if so is there a order i can set it to boot from first, will be using boot camp.

I know it can be done with 2 operating systems but not sure about 3. Also if I get myself a new Mybook external hard drive will my Macbook pro still be able to read it if its NTSF (All pictures, Movies & music from my main vista PC).

Also what is the diffrence between the Mybook and MybookII.

:D Thanks
By holding the option key you can choose which OS to boot in to, so yes, it is possible to choose.

I don't think you can dual boot Windows XP and Windows Vista in Bootcamp, however, I have no experience of this so don't quote me! I'm thinking it's possible, but I have a feeling that Windows will complain.

As for NTFS, you can read it, but not write to it, sorry. Your best bet is to either use FAT32 (and be limited to 4GB files) or download NTFS-3G and play with that.

Finally, I believe the only difference for the MyBook II was that it was preformatted using HFS+ (the Mac filesystem) so I'd say there's not much different from the MyBook I, but you'd need to format it if you wanted to use it with Windows machines.

... it also has a better "linear capacity gauge" whereas the MyBook I had a radial one.
I formatted my external hard drive with HFS+ file format and if i needed to hook it up to windows machines i use the program Macdrive.

Also I believe it is possible to triple boot the way you suggest, just create separate partitions for each OS. Im assuming youre running leopard as you can only run bootcamp officialy using it (the beta ran out when leopard was released I believe)
Also you can use FAT32 or NTFS for XP, but I think only NTFS for vista.
Also you could also get either parallels or vmware fusion, so you can run these operating systmes virtually.
I remember someone on another forum saying they had installs of windows 2000, xp, vista and osx, all runing in vmware fusion for the purpose of web testing!
on your windows partition, you can have as many operating systems as you want.

and I wouldn't recommend FAT32 with XP
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