Macbook pro for I.T course ?

29 Jun 2004
Rainham, Kent
I'm just starting an I.T degree at Kent and am wondering if I may have any problems using a Macbook Pro, as we'll be doing stuff in the first year. Will installing XP using bootcamp or Parallels enable me to use the Mac exactly as if it was a PC for programming purposes ?
I like Macs and would prefer to use one, but I don't want to cause extra aggro for myself if a PC would be much simpler.
I'm just starting an I.T degree at Kent and am wondering if I may have any problems using a Macbook Pro, as we'll be doing stuff in the first year. Will installing XP using bootcamp or Parallels enable me to use the Mac exactly as if it was a PC for programming purposes ?
I like Macs and would prefer to use one, but I don't want to cause extra aggro for myself if a PC would be much simpler.

It certainly will.

When booting up you will have the choice of booting into Windows or OS X, using bootcamp.
They make very good "PCs" in their own right. The only issue is, being a poor student (excuse my sweeping generalisation), is it really worth getting a MacBook Pro? You'll spend most of your time in Windows doing the same kind of stuff a £300 laptop will do.
They make very good "PCs" in their own right. The only issue is, being a poor student (excuse my sweeping generalisation), is it really worth getting a MacBook Pro? You'll spend most of your time in Windows doing the same kind of stuff a £300 laptop will do.

Luckily I'm a mature student who's taken a redundancy package to enable me to go to Uni, so I don't resent paying up for a macbook pro (with HE discount) if it'll do everything I need - I just wanted to make sure that I won't be disadvantaged on those parts of the course where I have to use windows - wherever possible I'll use OSX.
In that case, go for it. It will do everything exactly the same as a pc would. The only "problems" you might run into are using the one-button tracker pad (if you've never used a Mac laptop before, resting two fingers on the touchpad and clicking == right click) and working out where some buttons are on the keyboard. I couldn't find the # symbol in OS X for a while which was annoying for coding. (alt + 3 btw :p )

Have fun with your MBP. :)
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