macbook pro late o8 fan/ cooling prob

23 Oct 2004
South, England
Hi Chaps,

as title really...I'm in the middle of Final Cut - rendering big files and still the fans sit at about 2000 rpm whilst the cpu climbs up into the 80s
Have I unticked some box that says 'dynamically control fan speeds' or does it know what it's doing and i should just get back to Final Cut.
Is there a way of manually controlling fan speeds (from within os x)

Thanks in advance,

smcfancontrol is also useful if you play games in bootcamp. I usually turn my fans up to 4000rpm before i reboot into windows. the fans remember the setting and it keeps the gfx and cpu cool throughout.
Still rendering stuff in Final Cut and it's definitely faster now this app has dropped the cpu temp back to 40/50.

Don't get it why os x doesn't kick in and speed the fans up unless you reach the point where the macbook is virtually melting!
I wonder if it's measuring HDD temp as well and basing incremental increases on both readings (i.e cpu AND hdd) in which case, for Final Cut it's rubbish as there's comparatively little or none HDD activity compared to very intense CPU activity during typical rendering.

Anyways, this has sorted it magnificently.
Thanks to all.

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