Macbook Pro Palm Rest covering coming off, apple fix?

10 Apr 2004
iPhone pic:


Im taking it to an apple store to have its battery replaced again, do you think I should ask if they would replace the top cover too?

Its the silver paint coming off revealing the plastic.

It's not paint coming off and there's no plastic underneath. It's a reaction between the oils in your skin and the aluminium.
Oh I see. So every macbook pro out there will suffer from the same thing?


Anyway of cleaning it back up again? Some polishing equipment? Im planning on selling this thing and getting a new Unibody (2 year upgrade cycle ***)
No, you'll make it look worse trying to polish it out. It's quite normal for MacBook Pros of that age to look like that. You can try giving Apple a call and see what they say but it would be like wanting a keyboard replacement because some keys have worn down after using it heavily for 2 years.

Apple are pretty decent though so it can't hurt to try.

Edit: I'm looking to sell my nearly 3 year old MacBook, was going to sling it on the bay but if you've had a better experience with other options then let's hear them.
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