macbook pro really bad battery life

12 Oct 2005
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hi guys

i am getting not much more than 2hours out of my macbook pro using internet conected and word so not much really also kicking out a lot of heat is there anything i can do to help with better battery life other than buy a new battery i have only had it since the new year so am sad at battery life :(
There's a few things you can do which may help. This usually means draining it and then giving it a full charge on its own. (Sort of the same thing you're meant to do when getting it brand new).

Unfortunately the battery does drain on them very quick and they do run hot for anything other than 'desk' use. Even then they can be picky.
is there anything that i can do to help i calibrated it the other week would doing it again help or not

is it best to go get another battery there hitting on ebay for about £40(uk)??

is there a better battery out there or something?

dont really want to pay apple another £100 for a new one
You can get batteries of the bay, I am a bit dubious as to if it is going to be from the recalled batteries they had from last year, or suffer from other unknown problems.
You can get batteries of the bay, I am a bit dubious as to if it is going to be from the recalled batteries they had from last year, or suffer from other unknown problems.

I was wondering that too.
My battery is shafted and I'd rather not pay apple £99 for a new'un. Get 35-40 minutes on a good day and it's 18 months old with about 250 cycles on it. It's already been replaced once under the exploding Sony recall about 18 months ago.
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