Macbook Pro Wont Boot???

11 Jan 2009
Kent UK & New Jersey USA
Hi all,

Just switched my Macbook Pro on, its never giben me any trouble in the past. After switching it on the light on the front comes on, you can hear the CD spin up but that's it. The screen is dead, no welcome tune, nothing.

I tried booting from a CD and also clearing down the memory with the battery taken out. Nothing.

I will book myself an appointment at a MAC store, but in the mean time, any ideas? FWIW the MAC is a little over a year old.
Just lump it and go see the apple store "experts" (quote big bang theory hehehe)

My flatmates macbook pro completally died a few weeks ago, he lost the graphics card, battery, sound board and dvd drive. Most of them i diagnosed a week before (i felt big about my self for 5 mins) but was going to cost him £900 to have it all repaired (if he didnt have apple care).
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