macbook pro

11 Jun 2004
im looking at buying a 17" mbp and subsequently spending about 2K on it so i wanted a few honest answers about the state of its like up. is now a good time to by or are they likely to renew the specs sometime soon? can anyone say if its a good portable platform for everyday use/digital photography editing/gaming (thru vista)

im looking to replace my g4 powerbook 17" and gain a nice powerboost as well as the newer windows and other app functionality.

i was considering an imac but i just think the 17" mbp is better as its so much more portable? do others agree or should i really consider saving about £500 and get an imac??

Expect Penryn and multi-touch touchpad "soon" I guess - I.e. wait.

Imac vs MacbookPro are completely different fish. If portability is near the top of your list, which it sounds like it is, get the Macbook Pro. If its really high in your list consider the possibility of losing 2" on the screen and getting the cheaper, more portable, 15" version.

If it's going to sit on your desk at home all the time, and perhaps move 2-3 times a year, get a 24" imac.
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