Macbook Purchase

16 Apr 2007
Hey all,

I was considering a Macbook purchase (Before you say, I'll wait until after November 6th, just incase ;))

Anyways, I've got a few questions...

1. The only time I've used a macbook (OSX) is in the apple store for like 5 minutes. So I've always used XP. Will I be able to get to grips with OSX fast?

2. I was considering getting the cheapest macbook and just upgrading the parts from it. I've heard about the easily upgradable RAM, but are there any other parts you can upgrade? I.e. HD etc. And where do you get the parts from?

3. How well does XP run on OSX?

3.1. If I ran XP (Dual Boot) will it be able to play games that I am normally able to play in XP?

4. Is it worth the dosh?

Thanks :D

Thanks to the both of you for your super answers :)

Does anyone have a link to a few reviews that I am able to read or some more pictures of the applications as well as the insides of the mac (Hardware wise)
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