MacBook screen calibration - big difference!

11 Dec 2003
Hi guys,

I'm a proud owner of a new MacBook which I am extremely pleased with. I was initally disappointed with the screen quality, but after a read of this thread I now have the 'JC Diplay' profile installed (yes I know 's' is missing). What a difference! Blacks are now black, and it has completely gotten rid of the blueish colour cast my screen seemed to have.

I would recommend a download and giving it a go if you have a new MacBook, you can always revert back to your old settings if you prefer, but I somehow think you won't.
I never use a colour profile that's shipped with any product.. TV or laptop.

Likewise, I wouldn't be so certain that profile posted on MacRumors gives you the same results as the OP. Remember, it's might be a good "ballpark" profile to start from, but each panel is unique.

Example: I had my Pioneer PDP-LX6090 calibrated (ISF) and even though I was using some good settings posted on the AVForums, it was still out enough for the calibrator (who knows these particular settings on AVForums) to comment.

If you are in to messing around with colour profiles, the Spyder 3 series is worth a look.

EDIT: Here are the results of using that "JC Display" profile... clearly, not intended for a MBP (although, it never claimed to be)

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Thanks blizz, made the colours pop like they should on a mac. Now I'm not in such a rush to swap the macbook air panel into this.
I think it will be close aslong as you use the correct calibration for the correct panel. Certainly looked a lot better for me :)
Definitely worth getting a proper calibrator than trusting other peoples profiles.

I'm quite lucky that we have an office calibrator (Design Company) so I haven't had to buy one but before I got this job I was looking at the Spyder 3.

I would recommend a download and giving it a go if you have a new MacBook, you can always revert back to your old settings if you prefer, but I somehow think you won't.
You're right. This calibration really does improve the screen appearance.

Thanks for posting.
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