MacBook spacebar issue

6 Jan 2004

Just noticed this today, I think it has happened since using my MacBook this morning, but if I even touch the spacebar, no pressure, it doesn't click down I just touch it it registers as a space.

So I'm guessing this isn't normal as it doesn't happen with any other of my Macs, has anyone else encountered this and what should I do?

It gets annoying as I like to rest my thumb on the space bar when not typing and I keep getting massive spaces!
You only got it a few months ago (assuming it's your new white one), get it back to the shop. Hopefully they won't notice that you've dripped hair product into it ;) *runs*
No food over it as I don't eat using my laptop I'm paranoid enough about it as I was my iBook.

As Feek says, maybe I dropped talcon powder or lube on it or something else gay.

But no, I'll have to take it back I think! Still under warrenty as I have only had it a couple of months.

Do you need to book an appointment to take things back, and would I need to take it all boxed?
Do you need to book an appointment to take things back, and would I need to take it all boxed?

You need to book, but can do it via the net. They are not interested in boxes but will want to see your original receipt. At Bluewater (where I took mine), the 'Apple Genius' who looked at it was very thorough and professional and definitely minimised the pain of a stressful occasion.

Good Luck!
Well, I had it fixed - keyboard works fine now but when I got it back there was a MASSIVE scratch all along the lid!

Had to get them to replace the entire lid now.

Really made me angry because the 'Genius' saw the scratch and tried to hide it from me when passing it to me.
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