
18 Feb 2006
Right, already got me an iMac, and my trusty HP laptop died in November-January earlier this year/last. So i am going to get a Macbook...uses will be browsing, FM09, photo editing and the like.

If i was to go the old route i'd add on the RAM, HDD etc. The new one, another decision, 2Ghz or 2.4Ghz.. was kinda thinking of the 2Ghz as it'd allow me to get 4GB RAM and the HDD max'd and not as expensive as the 2.4Ghz.

So, if you were getting a laptop out of the above, for plugging into the TV, browsing, light game (FM09 and maybe NFS), photo editing etc... What would you get?


2Ghz Macbook (with 4GB, 250GB, Remote/VGA) - £992.88
2.4Ghz Macbook (with VGA Cable/Remote) - £1,018.73
Old 2.1Ghz Macbook (fully specced) - £863.63

Poll if possible (Justin?);

New 2Ghz Macbook
New 2.4Ghz Macbook
Old 2.1Ghz Macbook

Thanks :).
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Would personally go for the biggest processor speed you can get. Hard drive and memory are easier upgraded later down the line when the wallet refills.
Would personally go for the biggest processor speed you can get. Hard drive and memory are easier upgraded later down the line when the wallet refills.

Yeah that's true.

Might check the balance and opt for the 2.4Ghz. I wish that the MBP offered more in the base model than the graphics :(.
Keep checking out the refurb store, I got a 2.4ghz MacBook (white) with 2gb RAM and 160gb harddisk for £659 delivered this week. Like everything from the refurb store it's basically a brand new looking machine, apart from the different box it comes in.
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