Maccapacca stronglifts

Cheers, I've bought the full bifta now.

Deadlifts. If I've deadlifted say 160 before that should be my starting point and warm up to a 1 x only or am I looking for 5 x lighter as the app only say 1 x.

I'll knock up some ply pads if it's that drastic but it is a good point as my grass is a no go area as it gets so boggy in winter. Might have to think up something to spread the weight on the decking.

Oh and near gatwick
Weekend off as such however managed 20 to 25k steps wandering round a festival. Last night came home to skipping then stronglifts followed by hour and a half boxing with hill sprints for a nice warm up



No stronglifts tonight just 15 minutes cycle to gym then hour pt with the last 20 minutes boxing then cycle home.

Notable achievement 2 minute plank with side planks all properly with no collapsing in a heap
Don't think I could push that hard on my own. I've never really recorded what I'm lifting so when I started 5x5 I started fairly low from what I may have done. Legs will be sore tomorrow
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