machine check exception error driving me mad

5 Oct 2005
UK - Paignton
Hey all shame my first post after browsing these forums for a long time is a problem one but this is driving me mad :(

I,ve got

Win Xp Pro with sp2 on.
ASrock 939dual-SATA2 mobo
Amd 64 3700 cpu
2* 512 3200 Corsair Value memory
6800 gt agp gfx
3 Hd's. 2 sata, 1 ide. no raid setup.
2 dvd writters, 1 cd-rw.
Enermax 460w psu

Nothings overclocked.

I get this annoying bsod error machine check exception come up sometimes, its very random.
It can happen when I'm playing wow, or just turn the pc on.
Sometimes its a day or 2 before it shows again.
Until today I was not able to replicate it for the life of me :(
I,ve checked microsofts website on the problem and searched about but theres lots it can be.

I,ve ran memtest86, memtest86+ etc and they never finds any errors on the memory after letting it run over night.
I,ve checked the voltages for the psu using speedfan which shows its stable the whole time when I leave it on overnight doing 3dmark06, sandra etc.
Cpu is usualy 31c when idle, 37-42 under load. Temps for everythnig inside the pc is fine.
I,ve ran loads of hd tests which all show a few problems with my segate sata drive which ive replaced today with a Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 NCQ 80gig from oc to be on the safe side.

I took the side off the case earlier just having a look inside trying to think what it could be and put it back on and what do you know, bsod again.
I can get it to replicate the error now just by putting the side of the case back on 7/10 whilst the pcs turned on.
I,ve checked the wires etc close to where the side of the case would touch when its put on and moved them about slightly to see if its a loose connection shorting something and its only happened a few times that way.
I,ve moved the wiring slightly for everything so when the side of the case goes back on its barely if at all touching any wires and it still happens most of the time.
Is it possible for the case to be grinding or something like that and if it is why would it happen randomly whilst in windows or whilst playing a game when I'm not touching the case? :confused:

Sorry for the ramble/bad grammar but its driving me mad, I'm half tempted to order a new case and be done with it but that still doesn't explain why it happens sometimes in windows.
Any ideas/thoughts would be appreicated.
13 Aug 2004
HI, then you have got a problem with a break in a lead maybe or a bad connection on one of the molex connector where the metal pin is. Changed the PSU and see if you still get the problem, as it seems something is up the supply of voltage through the PSU not being study.

Try the PSU, and when you touch the wires or put the side on monitor the voltages with a program like MBM and see if it drops when you move a wire before it BSOD or better get a multi-meter and watch it and see what the voltage does in real time even if the machine BSOD.

Maybe a fan that is blowing in the case is moving the wires when in use and causing the same problem as moving the wires or vibration in the case.

Hope this helps.
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